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Sol Soils Houseplant Chunky Mix


Sol Soils


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Style No. 88976394 ; Color Code: 000

Houseplant Chunky Mix is an all-purpose aroid or tropical potting mix. It’s packed with organic matter to ensure that your houseplants get all the moisture and drainage they need to thrive. This mix utilizes recycled coconut chips and coir, an otherwise wasted byproduct of the coconut industry. As a soil component, the ground husks offer excellent aeration and moisture retention properties while still providing a fast-draining medium to reduce the risk of soggy soil a...

Houseplant Chunky Mix is an all-purpose aroid or tropical potting mix. It’s packed with organic matter to ensure that your houseplants get all the moisture and drainage they need to thrive. This mix utilizes recycled coconut chips and coir, an otherwise wasted byproduct of the coconut industry. As a soil component, the ground husks offer excellent aeration and moisture retention properties while still providing a fast-draining medium to reduce the risk of soggy soil and root-rot for indoor potted plants. Perfect for jungle plants or Aroids like Anthurium, Alocasia, Dieffenbachia, Monstera, Philodendron, ZZ plants, as well as Calatheas, String of Hearts or Turtles, Dracaena Dragon Trees, Hoyas, Palms, Pothos, and Christmas Cactus.

  • Ingredients: Calcined Clay, Perlite, Pumice, Expanded Clay, Coconut Coir, Coconut Chips, Pine Bark
  • Use as directed
  • USA