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Rosy Soil Earth Positive Indoor Potting Mix


Rosy Soil


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Style No. 85320638 ; Color Code: 000

A nutrient dense, sustainable, living soil for indoor houseplants. This soil from Rosy Soil boosts soil aeration, drainage, and nutrient uptake to help houseplants flourish. It's made from eco-friendly, high-quality ingredients (biochar, compost, mycorrhizae, pine bark fines) and is free from peat and synthetic additives. Fortified with beneficial fungi & microbes to help promote healthy root development and lush foliage.

Ingredient Information Carbon-Negative Bioch...

A nutrient dense, sustainable, living soil for indoor houseplants. This soil from Rosy Soil boosts soil aeration, drainage, and nutrient uptake to help houseplants flourish. It's made from eco-friendly, high-quality ingredients (biochar, compost, mycorrhizae, pine bark fines) and is free from peat and synthetic additives. Fortified with beneficial fungi & microbes to help promote healthy root development and lush foliage.

Ingredient Information Carbon-Negative Biochar Biochar is at the core of this house plant soil mix, which enhances the soil’s nutrient and water retention. It also improves soil porosity (which enables plant roots’ development and prevents root rot).

Root Boosting Mycorrhizae Mycorrhizae (mahy-kuh-rahy-zee) are houseplant friendly fungi that create a beneficial fungal structure on plant roots. It improves your plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients, allowing them to make the most of our fertile indoor potting soil. Moreover, mycorrhizae release a gum-like substance called glomalin that helps to further lock in moisture and nutrients.

Pine Bark Fines Pine bark fines are a natural, eco-friendly ingredient that improves the texture and structure of our indoor plant soil mix. The small, finely ground pieces of pine bark increase the porosity of the soil, allowing for better air flow and water drainage. This supports healthy root growth, prevents root rot, and enhances nutrient uptake, ultimately leading to thriving houseplants.

Compost Our aged compost adds abundant organic matter to the indoor plant soil mix, improving the soil structure and drainage. It’s also a natural source of essential plant nutrients, like nitrogen and potassium. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, which acidify soil and harm soil microbes when used excessively.

  • Includes biochar, mycorrhizae, pine bark, compost
  • USA