Support your cat’s health and vitality with this easy-to-grow organic treat. Wheat grass is good for cats, providing essential vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in chlorophyll, which acts as a natural detoxifier, mild antibiotic, and deodorizer.
How to grow: Cut open bag and remove the enclosed packets of soil and seed, leaving coco chips in bottom for drainage. Open soil bag and fill with enough water to meet the soil line. Seal soil bag and work water into soi...
Support your cat’s health and vitality with this easy-to-grow organic treat. Wheat grass is good for cats, providing essential vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in chlorophyll, which acts as a natural detoxifier, mild antibiotic, and deodorizer.
How to grow: Cut open bag and remove the enclosed packets of soil and seed, leaving coco chips in bottom for drainage. Open soil bag and fill with enough water to meet the soil line. Seal soil bag and work water into soil with hands.